Review: The Dalai Lama’s Cat: Awaken the Kitten Within

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The Dalai Lama’s cat is back with a fifth installment in David Michie’s popular series. Michie first introduced the fictional feline,  HHC (His Holiness’ Cat), dubbed “Little Snow Lion” by the Dalai Lama himself, in his 2012 novel The Dalai Lama’s Cat. HHC was rescued by the Dalai Lama when he saw the small kitten being thrown in the gutter. In The Dalai Lama’s Cat: Aswakening the Kitten Within, Michie explores how we can reclaim the zest for life we once felt naturally.

From the publisher:

The Dalai Lama’s cat is confronted by a most unpleasant truth: she is getting old.

A routine visit to the vet confirms this. but is a future of decrepitude and senior cat biscuits inevitably a cause for despair? As it happens, she soon finds that a startling reminder of life’s transience is exactly what’s needed to renew our gratitude for life. To lighten up, accept ourselves, and value what truly matters.

With irrepressible mischief, the Dalai Lama’s cat explores the intriguing insight that reality is a projection of our mind. In so doing, she comes to discover that awakening the kitten within is not just possible – it is our purpose! For when we do so with a particular wisdom, we catch a glimpse of our own sublime nature. With a benevolent energy that reaches from the pages, this is the Dalai Lama’s cat at her most tender, irreverent, joyful best.

Narrated with the same warmth, wit and wisdom as the other four books, this installment once again offeres profound lessons in a light-hearted and subtle, yet profound way. like the others, it reads like a novel, but the transformational message will stay with you long after you’ve turned the final page.

The Dalai Lama’s Cat: Awakening the Kitten Within is available from Amazon

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Ingrid King

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3 comments on Review: The Dalai Lama’s Cat: Awaken the Kitten Within

Priscilla says:

November 20, 2021 at 11:05 am

Need to add to my reading list!


Eleanor Skibo says:

November 14, 2021 at 2:32 am

The Dalai Lama had many wise sayings that added positive results to many people’s lives. and to awaken the kitten in all of us, even if we aren’t felines, can add years to our lives.


Janine says:

November 12, 2021 at 6:42 am

I need to check out these books. thanks for the review.


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