Ziggy the Cocker spaniel
I’m enjoying my volunteer job with Rancho Coastal Humane Society.
So far I haven’t even walked the dogs. I just sit with them in their cages. This is surprisingly much more gratifying than you might think. While taking shelter dogs out for some exercise is certainly important, in some cases it can be equally essential to just sit and reward dogs for being calm. This also helps them associate something positive – attention – with being in their kennels.
Ziggy was one of the dogs I went to with last week. I’m typically not drawn to Cockers, but he seemed like he needed some attention. like all the others, he paced around his cage at first -his classic “stub” a blur.
Having a person in their kennel typically gets the dogs very excited, so I continue to disregard dogs that jump and paw at me. Most of them have learned the “sit” command already, so I either give the command or lure them with treats.
Ziggy was not very interested in interacting. I showed him the treats, but he would take one and then do a lap around his kennel.
This is common. nearly all the dogs pace when I first visit. They are so thrilled by a human’s presence that they can’t hold still and can’t focus. They’re a little nervous – as Ziggy was – because I’m a stranger to many of them. They’re also not sure if if I’m going to take them for a walk or pack up and leave.
So what I do is sit down on the ground with my side to the canine and relax.
I yawn, which is a calming signal to dogs. I might even make a point to lick my lips (another calming signal). It shows I imply no harm.
I simply unwind so the canine can relax.
With Ziggy, I just settled in with my treats and waited.
And what happened next was so gratifying to see. Ziggy began to calm down to the point where I could practically feel his energy drain away.
Ziggy was the most unwinded out of all the dogs I’ve met at the shelter. He carried a toy over for a chew. He sat in front of me and looked me in the eyes. He provided me a paw. He laid down for a tummy rub and then cuddled up and closed his eyes. I massaged his ears and scratched his back. He sat real close and seemed to be in need of a real, genuine nap.
I read on Ziggy’s bio that his owner had passed away and that “Ziggy was able to offer love and comfort until the end.”
It about breaks your heart, doesn’t it?
I just thought to myself how essential this canine had been to someone and how Ziggy must’ve taken his job of offering comfort very, very seriously.
I wondered how much emotional tension he was still carrying, and I hoped he knew he’d done his job well.
I kept petting his back.
Ziggy let out an audible sigh. He stretched his toes.
“You’re a good boy,” I told him. “Such a good dog.”
Note: Ziggy has already been adopted! (Not by me, but I wish!)